Initial Appointment Information
What to expect at your initial appointment
How do I make an appointment with Dr Park?
Appointments can be made by calling: (07) 4632 3179 or email: Every effort is made to ensure that you are seen promptly.
What to expect at your first appointment
During your initial consultation with Dr Park, he will enquire about your health to understand your symptoms & concerns. Dr Park will discuss your condition/s with you and may perform a physical examination. Any relevant diagnostic testing necessary will be scheduled and a plan for your care will be developed. Please feel free to bring a support person with you to your appointment if required, and ask any questions you may have. Dr Park is always willing to answer your questions and discuss any concerns you might have.
What should I bring to my first appointment with Dr Park?
Referral letter from GP
Blood test results
Imaging (X-ray, Ultrasound, CT scan)
Records of previous surgery
List of medication
Medicare card
Private Health insurance card
Cancellation Policy
Please ring immediately if you are unable to keep your appointment. Late cancellations or failure to attend can affect the service provision to other patients and affect wait times for appointments.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I make an appointment with Dr Park?
To book an appointment to see Dr Park, please call reception on (07) 4632 3179. You will need a referral letter from your general practitioner prior to your appointment. Please email a copy of this to: or fax it to: (07) 4632 4108.
Do I need to pay for my consultation at the time of my appointment?
Full payment of the invoice is expected at the end of the consultation. We accept EFTPOS or credit card payments (Mastercard, Visa or AMEX). Cheques and cash are not accepted. We are able to assist you to get the Medicare rebate, which will cover part of the consultation cost.
Will my Private Health Insurance cover my procedure?
We will provide an item number(s) for your operation as part of our financial consent process. You should check with your insurer whether these item numbers are covered as part of your policy prior to your surgery.
What is informed financial consent?
We aim to be transparent about the costs associated with surgery. If surgery is required, we will provide you with a financial quote for the costs associated with surgery, which will include any out-of-pocket costs.
The quote we provide is related to the Dr Park’s fee. There are other healthcare providers involved in your journey such as anaesthetists, radiologists, pathologists etc and hospital related costs such as pharmacy and allied health. We are happy to provide you with their details before your operation so that there is financial transparency.
As with any medical procedure, if unforeseen circumstances arise during the procedure it may be necessary to arrange additional medical services. If this happens, there may be additional costs to you that are not covered by this estimate.
For further information please visit the Australian Medical Association (AMA) or Commonwealth Ombudsman guides on informed financial consent.